*Postponed to 14 Oct due to expected bad weather.
child B.T.R is "Best Time Ranking"
The top three winners in each category will be awarded.
・Parents and children-CLASS
・Elementary-CLASS:Slower than 36.500 seconds
・Intermediate-CLASS:34.500~36.499 seconds
・Advanced-CLASS:Faster than 34.499 seconds.
Concurrently ”GoGo! Parents and children ”
Ride in a junior kart.Time attack with parents and children !
Get prizes are awarded for clearing the standard time! ・CHALLENGE-CLASS:Clear if faster than 78.000 seconds total.
・ATTACK-CLASS:Clear if faster than 71.000 seconds total.
BestTime applications are self-assessment; please bring your results to the reception.
You can turn in one lottery wheel if you declare it.